It's the EASTER HOLIDAYS!! It's exciting to have a very much needed break from the daily grind. My family is visiting me from the south of Germany and yesterday we went to the Pfaueninsel on Wannsee. The weather was perfect. And we went on a short ferry ride to get to the island. The island is a nature reserve with an abundance of beautiful flowers, a rose garden and free roaming peacocks, pheasants and other birdy things.
Our ticket to get across the tiny bit of water over to the island.
A posing peacock. There were people feeding him. We didn't have anything to feed him with so my mum threw a stone in his direction to trick him. At first he fell for it and turned around and started walking towards us with his epic plumage trailing behind him, he then looked at my mum's grinning face and cawed (more like meowed) at her in disgust.
The great view of sail boats on Wannsee on our way to Pfaueninsel's aviary.
Today was again an absolutely lovely day. We spent it in Potsdam. The weather was as excellent if not even better than yesterday's weather! We walked around the Park Sancoussi. Things were a'bloomin and there were A LOT of tourists. But we thoroughly enjoyed it. We sat on a bench in the Sicilian Garden and ate our grapes and strawberries in the hawt hawt sunshine. We then went on a small Easter egg hunt. I happened to have 3 small chocolates in the bottom of my bag, which I hid around the Sicilian Garden.
The flowers that are planted in front of Schloss Sancoussi.
A ginko tree starting to put out its teeny tiny leaves. At first we didn't realise that these were ginko trees. Super super super cute!
So that was my Easter weekend in a nutshell. Hope you've had a wonderful time with family, friends, or even in alone. All that counts is that it was enjoyed. Thanks for reading and see you next week.