Sunday 23 February 2014

Here's to a new gardening season!

Welcome to my new blog.  Dedicated to all things green and growing.  I had a successful bedroom gardening season last year (2013) and decided that this year (2014) I would document my growth.  I'd like to throw in that I am really really lucky to live in a 4th floor apartment with south facing bedroom windows which is a definite plus on any gardening venture.

My 2013 Berlin bedroom garden looked like this:
lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, and scotch bonnet peppers

Hopefully 2014 will similarly bring magical bedroom edibles.  This year I will try growing vegetables that I have never grown before such as beans, peas, lemons, and papayas.  Tomatoes are on the list again.  Cherry, Yellow Pear, Kumato, etc.  I am going to try to keep my tomatoes in check this time round, growing short and bushy instead of having to try and find space and direction for my loooooong tomato stems.  Cucumbers, basil, coriander, and chives are on the list.  Maybe I will have a go at carrots, kohl rabi, and kale for the winter.
I have also got a new found love for succulents, so we'll see what happens there.

Anyway, I cannot promise that all of my conquests will be successful this year, but here goes to trying!  We'll see what happens!

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