Monday 7 April 2014

Remebering Sunday on a dreary Monday.

Yesterday was a beautiful new Sunday!  The Sahara dust has settled and the sun made an appearance.  It was a lovely walking day.  All the trees are blooming and the little leaf buds are starting to shimmer a wonderful fresh spring green.  I wish Sunday could happen again.  I'm not feeling this grey and dreary Monday...but in remembrance of how wonderful yesterday was, here a picture of blooming trees.

More excitement from Sunday is that I've spotted my first little bean pods on my bush bean plant!!!  Eeeeek!!!  Already!  Madness!  They're tiny and very cute and hopefully will become big and strong.  I realise that in this photo it is like looking at one of those pictures of Where's Wally? but once you spot it you can't look away (well, at least I couldn't)!

 I photographed my peppermint plant.  It is just exploding with growth.

And also, my new favourite one of my photos, is this coriander.  I just thought I was taking a quick photo of it to put up on here but when I look at it, it is beautiful, and I have no idea why.  Maybe because I have been using lots of coriander in cooking recently?  It is one of the best tastes in the world.  It is definitely the best fresh off the plant.  And coriander is sooooooo easy to grow that everyone should have a plant.  Seriously you'll never look back to the days when you had no fresh coriander.  I should start a coriander appreciation society!

And with that I say goodbye and wish you all a great start into the new week.  See you at the end of it.  Hopefully I will have successfully completed my mission of finding miners lettuce (winter portulak/postelein in German), echinacea, and jalapeno pepper seeds for planting.

Thanks for reading.

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