Sunday 11 May 2014

Fruits and shoots.

- This week I ate my first produce of the year.  I finally picked my beans that have been hanging on my bush bean.  They had been hanging there for far too long and were a little bit pale from the sun that had been shining on them, but they were still tasty in my dinner tonight!

- I planted winter portulak/postelein (miner's lettuce for you English speaking folk) and it has been growing steadily.  These are two pictures taken one week apart.
Taken last Sunday the 4th of May.

 Taken today, Sunday the 11th of May.  I had to take this picture from further back because it has become quite dense!

- My lemon seedling is growing more and more!  It has the most luscious dark green waxy leaves.  Luscious!

- Last but not least, I must update you on the corn that I planted last week.  HOLD ONTO YOUR HAIR GUYS...YESTERDAY I DISCOVERED SHOOTS!!!!  They are ACTUALLY growing.  And you might think, well of course they're going to grow, you put them in soil and watered them...but I just find it insane that I've got corn growing in my ROOM.  CORN!  IN MY ROOM!  I shouldn't be too excited yet, you never know what might happen, but EEEEEEK!!!  Three out of the four seeds I've planted are already growing.  Insane.
 There's not much to see yet except the little shoot.  But WOOP THERE IT IS!

And with that I say goodbye and goodnight.  Another week is over with a new one around the corner.  Thanks for reading.

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