Wednesday 24 June 2015

Look what I made!

Hey!!  I totally forgot about this place for a while!  In case it interests anyone, I have been healing well since my operation.  I am without leg brace, etc.  I've been doing my rehab sports therapy workouts to strengthen my knee again and I'm feeling real positive about it!  I've been busy busy working and colleging with no time for blogging.  Boo!  But here I am now, feeling good!

So for today I thought I'd put up some pictures of some of the cards that I've made in the past 2 years.  I forgot to take pictures of a whole bunch of them.  Some of them are plant related, but some of them aren't.  Most are birthday cards but some of them aren't!  I might throw in some non card pictures.  Who knows.  Let's let ourselves be surprised.

I will start with the oldest.
 made in the spring of 2014

made in the summer of 2014

made in the summer of 2014

made in the summer of 2014

made in the summer of 2014

made in the autumn of 2014

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the spring of 2015

made in the summer of 2015

made in the summer of 2015

made in the summer of 2015

made in the summer of 2015

So...this was a bit of a show off my cards kinda post.  Why not, eh?  Let me throw in a picture of my courgette plant in front of the blue sky (until the blue sky disappeared behind rain clouds) for good measure!  That's all folks.

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