Saturday 9 July 2016

Hashtag project on instagram.


Today I'd like to share with you a project on Instagram that I have been taking part in for the past two months. It's called yayeveryday2016 and it's organised by @tobyilikecats  There is a "mood board" that he makes for every month of 2016. Each day has a different theme. You create something relevant to that day's prompt, take a photo and submit it on instagram with the hashtag yayeveryday2016 (#yayeveryday2016). It's really fun and there's a really nice community of people on there that encourage and inspire each other. I've kept looking forward to my yayeveryday drawing time every evening. This month I will be drawing again, but not everyday.

You can follow me on Instagram @berlinbedroomgardendiaries

Here are the names of the prompts in order of arrangement:

TOP ROW:  confetti, do you remember?, beach hut
MIDDLE:  here be dragons, cup of tea, rainbow cake
BOTTOM:  ice lolly, bicycle basket, feeling lucky

TOP:  knitting, spectacles, cherries
MIDDLE:  favourite shoes, fat cat, sun sea and sand cheeseburger and fizzy drink (a couple of days that I drew joined up in one drawing)
BOTTOM:  up in the air, collection high five watermelon (another mashup of a couple of days), up in flames

TOP:  unicorn disco, balloons gem stones ombre (mashup), cacti club
MIDDLE:  too good to eat, potions, outer space
BOTTOM:  cross my heart, princess

This was a bit of self advertising. Get my drawings out there, even if it's not out there to that many people. Also, I really like seeing them all together on here. SO MUCH DRAWING!

Hope all is good.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

So, this blog post is a little bit of everything. A little bit of hope, wonder and pride. Just for the length of this blog post I ask you to not think about all the horrible things that are happening in the world right now, just breathe and take a look at my little photo diary of living things.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow" 
-Audrey Hepburn

- I took part in the Berlin Firmenlauf in May! These are the balloons opening the race! I ran! 5.5 kilometers! So proud!

- Some waterlilies in the Britzer Garten.

- Doing a headstand, also in the Britzer Garten. It's really nice seeing the world from a different angle sometimes.

- This photo always makes me laugh! Taken out of my window looking down onto the balcony of my downstairs neighbour.

- A bumblebee on some chive flowers at Allmende Kontor on Tempelhof.

- This fluffy shot was snapped at the Berlin Open Garden weekend in Rixdorf.

- What a colour combination! Looking into all these gardens was wonderful. You wouldn't even think that there were such wonderful backdoor gardens in a city.

- Oh and what is this I see?! Bees!? Yes it is!

- The amazement just wouldn't stop...A POOL TOO!? With plants growing inside. Am I in heaven?

- Out of Rixdorf and to Tempelhof. My view during a lovely evening spent studying for my final exams on Tempelhofer Feld.

- this is our new plot, which we kind of started working on at the beginning of May. There's still a big possibility that it's not definitely ours, but we have been planting and caring for it for the past two months. So, whoever's out there that also thinks it's theirs, let's join forces and share! Together we are stronger! Photo taken in May.

- Here's a picture taken a couple of days ago! Look at all that life!! Everything is growing amazingly! So super duper proud. I could spend hours looking at all of them little plants in there.

- The growing carrots! Sweet little stems.

- This was the first big harvest that we collected! Strawberries and white and pink radishes!

- In one part of the plot we sewed loads of seeds that my Mutti sent me! Mutti, what are these flowers called? They have the best leaves and the cutest little flowers!

- This is a bouquet of flowers that I made at work with my kindergarteners. A flower bouquet for my colleague's birthday! The kids absolutely loved each making a flower, and seeing them all together in a bouquet is just wonderful and is a reminder that there's beauty in all of our differences.

- Sunset at Allemende Kontor.

- That sun was making everything look like a honey filter was put on the world. Oh and dem sweetpeas are just beautiful!

- Another sunset snap at Tempelhof.

- Now I will beam us to my bedroom garden. This is the start of the aubergine a couple of weeks ago.

- Check it out! That baby's growing!

- This photo was taken today. I have been reading up on when to pick it, but I am really not sure. Anyone with aubergine advice is welcome to write me a message.

- I've been growing carrots on my bedside table, and yesterday I just thought I'd see how they're doing. Pulled one out and I have to say it might be one of the cutest things I've ever seen! It tasted absolutely delicious. For now I will let the rest get a little bit bigger, but YAY TO BEDSIDE CARROTS!!!!

- To end this post I go back to our little garden on Tempelhof. Here's the corn. If in one picture I could promote hope then I would choose this one. Look at those little blossoms wrapped up all cozy, protected by the most luscious green leaves. Just like this corn plant we don't know what will happen, but let's see what will be!

I wish you all a wonderful rest of the week.
Don't forget to see all the hope in a time that makes you think there is none.

p.s. I passed all of my exams!!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Many things.

Many things. Different things. Birthdays, cats on haystacks and yellow hooved horses. Cycling adventures in Berlin. Beautiful and crazy weather. Some bedroom gardening news. Headstands in the park. And CHIVES!

-I've never put up a black and white photo on here, but this one of a cat on a haystack really works.

- Vast fields of dandelions. There were horses walking around in here and the white ones had yellow legs and yellow noses, from the dandelions!

- A couple of weeks ago we went on a 44 km bike ride through Berlin! However, we didn't make it far before having to eat our Tempelhof!

- All of the petals were falling from blossomed trees! And the wind was carrying them quite far! It looked magical.

 - We explored a park that we've never been to...Volkspark Wilmersdorf, and oh my was it beautiful! And BIG! And GREEN! And afterwards we cycled to Krumme Lanke and jumped in the lake! Our first dip of the season!

- My favourite cycling companion living on the wild side!

- There were some beautiful mornings caught right outside my house.

- As well as some crazy ass storms.

- In some gardening news! My basil is growing from seed and looking healthy!

 - And my aubergine is flowering!

- Look! It opened up even more! I had to put a filter on this picture because it was too dark without! Ahh all the crazy patterns in the background!

- Let me throw in a headstand picture. I'm really getting the hang of them. Super proud!

- And last, but not least, here are some blossoming chives on Allmende Kontor on Tempelhof.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Happy May!

This little blog post contains some pictures that I found pretty. Some are taken at the kindergarten I work at, on walking and cycling adventures as well as at home. By the way, I can't believe it's May already! Soon it'll be nice and warm and lake swimming time and all the happy good mooded people will start coming out of their homes and smiling on the street and cycling and swimming and sun cream and sun and vegetables and pizza and juice and ice cream!! Got a little carried away there...let's get on with this show.

- Baby sunflowers and baby corn that I planted with my kindergarten class!

 - A magnolia tree in twilight.

- Luscious grass down by the canal.

- Them baby sunflowers and baby corn have grown!!
- Cycling day picnic! Yes please! Recharging in a field with these little purple flowers! What are they? Can anyone tell me?

- Berlin never ceases to surprise me! We stumbled upon this "waterfall" in Victoria Park! You will be transported to another world, YOU MUST GO!

- An oasis in blossom in Victoria Park.

- Magnificent cherry tree blossoms on a street in Kreuzberg.

- My new plant is basically a pet! It looks like a fern but in fact it is a mimosa pudica! No, not the drink! When you touch its leaves they fold up. I strongly urge everyone to get one!

- This is what it looks like when you touch ALL of it! At night time my little mimosa sleeps by folding all of its leaves! Just like we do!

- Look at these bastards! Baby sunflowers and corn are not so baby anymore! Check out hose peas and kohlrabi as well! I am really looking forward to planting all these little babes in the soil soon! This is my favourite windowsill at work right now!

- So, this is a picture of one of my plant pots at home. Apparently I am growing mushrooms next to my cone flowers. Who knew?!

 - Let's finish off with one of my prints. I haven't posted any of my creations in a long time. Gotta love me a beetle with lots of antennae. Give it up for the cedar beetle! Rubber print on paper.

 Thanks for reading! Hope that spring springs up for everyone finally!