Sunday, 18 May 2014

Rain and shine.

- Today is gloomy and rainy, kind of perfect for sitting indoors and writing about things that make me feel warm inside.  I spent my day yesterday reading in the Comenius Garten in Rixdorf, Neukölln.  I was reading, leaning against this statue of Comenius, who was a teacher, educator and writer.  It's really funny that the man who founded this garden and patrols every so often to make sure that nobody is leaving garbage lying around really looks like Comenius.  It's like his ghost is walking around the garden!
The flowers are really blooming in there now, there are all kinds of yellow's, red's, blue's, white's, pink's, and green's around.  Very pretty.

 - My first ripening cucumber!  The last one that I photographed and showed on here shriveled up and fell off.  Now I've got this one which looks like it will go somewhere.

- I haven't talked about my propagating succulents in a long time, so here we go.  As you know I placed the leaves onto a soil bed and little mini succulents started growing out the ends.  I then waited until there was a mini plant on the side to see if I could just rub it off the leaf.  They all just fell of the leaf after they had sucked all the moisture out of it.  And then I finally planted them into an old peanut tin and some normal soil.  Usually succulents have their own soil mix (cactus soil) but I didn't want to have to buy a whole bag of soil.  I am going to keep them on the dry side and not water them too often since there is no drainage in the tin and the soil is pretty absorbent.

- Also, my corn has grown loads already in just a week!  I just hope that they keep growing and bulk out a little bit.  I was told to be careful of them getting leggy, meaning that they don't have enough sunlight and are stretching to where the sun is.  Let's cross our fingers that the growing process will be fine.

- When I was young I got a sprouter either for Christmas or my birthday.  I don't remember which.  Anyway, I was really obsessed with sprouting alfalfa seeds.  I remember vividly taking my purple Hello Kitty lunchbox to school with my supplies for making my sandwiches which were toast, tuna, and alfalfa sprouts.  I can't remember what happened to the sprouter in the end, but I looked online for methods where you don't need a sprouter and found a way of sprouting seeds in jars.  So I tried it with success, and ate my wonderful wonderful alfalfa sprouts last week, on tuna sandwiches of course!

Thanks for reading and have a lovely evening.

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