Woah there. Another post so soon! Look who's got more spare time right now! Took some pictures of my surroundings again for the first time in aaaaages. Today was the first warmer day of sunshine. After the last two really cold weeks I (and a whole bunch of others in Berlin) are hoping that the summer comes and stays for good now. Don't get me wrong, I do love a summer storm with some rain...but not when it's only 15 degrees outside. For heaven's sake it is meant to be SUMMER!
So, here are a few snaps from my day.
I discovered my first zucchini!!! I couldn't remember which zucchinis I planted in which pot so I had to let myself be surprised. I am super excited to say that this is going to be a yellow ball zucchini!!! YAY!!! (It almost feels like I'm announcing the gender of a baby...here it is ladies and gentlemen, MY EDIBLE BABY!)
Here's a view of my zucchini plant from afar. Look at how blue that sky is. Pwooaaahrr!
Here's a view of my other window. My room looks super dark in these pictures, but it is in fact super sunny. Probably turns out so dark because I am photographing towards the sun. Anyways, these are some of my chili and tomato plants chilling out this morning. They're kind of lost in a backdrop of the tree outside my window! This is kind of like a "Where's Wally" situation. Do "where's wally" situations actually exist? I think I made that up. Erm, let's swiftly move it along.
I went on a lovely bike ride with a friend. Through Neukölln and into Kreuzberg. Deary me, there's nothing better than cycling around sunny Berlin with a friend. Oh, and I bought myself a beautiful sunflower from the flower stall at the fleamarket!
Some dappled sunshine on cobblestones. I am just way toooooo arty. Oh how ponderous.
In my neighbourhood, innit. Rixdorf was buzzing this weekend due to 48 Stunden Neukölln, an arts festival in and around Neukölln. Look at all those wheels.
A whole load of green at the blacksmith's on Richardplatz.
Here's me sitting writing this blog post. There you can see the sunflower I bought today and some of my other plants which are growing steadily. I don't have so many growing so densely this year. We'll see how the rest of the growing season goes, I'm hoping that they will all fill the space a little bit more than they are now. That would be really nice if they did.
And with this I bid you all good night. Thanks for reading and I hope you've all had a lovely Sunday, wherever you are.
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