Saturday, 19 March 2016

Sunsets, some of.

Is there such thing as too many pictures of sunsets in one post. If it's possible, then maybe I have managed to break that boundary. Although there could have been way more. Let the sunsets begin!

- Ironically, the first photo is not of a sunset, but of the Botanical Gardens in Berlin. L-O-L...check out that architectural symmetry invaded by living and breathing cacti. CACTI! Maybe I should rename this Post.

- Our first sunset situation. In dem Botanicals. Somehow, the way I caught the sun on this photo really irritates me. Alas. What can one do, such is life...nature is unpredictable. Looking at this photo again...THIS PHOTO IS ALL not straight at all. That's irritating as well. But I'm not taking it out. This is one for getting angry.

- A crow taking off and its bros chilling on the poles. As you do on a Sunday morning.

- Some fast moving sunset action from the Sbahn window.

- A sunset performance for all the people that were looking out of their hospital window. Well done, sun!

- By far, my most favourite sun capture. Out my window. Look at those beams. YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE SUN BEAMS!!  I can't believe the sun got so naked with me that day, and from behind a church! I was like a paparazzi. But seriously, look at those BEAMS! In a way, this has a wild western desert feel. But maybe its just the antler/horn thing on my neighbour's balcony. Once again. Please don't miss dem BEAMS. They're the best! Have I mentioned the BEAMS yet? If not, let me not forget to mention those BEAMING BEAMY BEAMS. (I actually wrote beans the first time...BEANS! What an amateur)

Hope the sun's been beaming for you guys! Let's hope that spring kicks winter in the beams, come on spring. It's been cold far too long.