Tuesday 3 June 2014

Catch up.

This is going to be a big catch up post with lots of pictures!  I've sighted my first tomato flowers and I went to Paris for the first time in my adult life.  My last memory of Paris was being over taken on the road by a bus full of nuns that were all waving at me.  Now I have made new memories that will be in my mind when I think of Paris.  Here we go...I'll start with Paris!
View of the street from the 6th floor.

 Restaurant across the river from the Notre Dame and next to the bookshop called Shakespeare and Co.

At the flower market on Allée Célestin Hennion.  This shop had really big blue and purple hortensias.

The shop owner's coat matched the flowers!

Le Louvre...it was such a beautiful day.

This is no specific building.  I just loved the balconies with the plants on them.

 What is a post about Paris without a picture of the Eiffel Tower.  Here is a picture of it in the distance over Parisian rooftops.

I love the rooftops...and with this last one I said goodbye to Paris and hello to Berlin again.

-  After that brilliant weekend in Paris, I came home to find my tomatoes flowering!!
Cherry tomato.

 Kumato tomato.

That's all for now.  Thanks for reading and see you Sunday.

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